Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Everybody Said It...

When you have a baby, everybody says, "enjoy this time with them, they grow up fast!" And then they start walking, everybody says, "enjoy this time with them, they grow up fast!" And then Preschool starts, Kindergarten and now First Grade, and I think I am beginning to understand just how fast time goes when you are busy with children. Lucy pulled out some of the baby albums today, and I can so vividly remember being pregnant with Carlie, and telling my parents that I was pregnant, Carlie being born, and being so fussy those first several months, and now I am picking her up from school, and listening to her talk about this friend said this, and that friend said that. Carlie has continued to have her good heart that I was so worried would be tarnished by the world. I am praying for that continually. But I definitely see rough waters ahead with some of the girls in Carlie's class this year. But God is in control, right? We have taught Carlie (and continue to teach Carlie) what it like to be a Christian, and now it's her turn to live it out. Oh boy...this part is hard. Nobody warned me about this....

On a much lighter note, Lucy had her four year check up today (yes, I know...I am a few months late...) and she has gained almost 5 pounds since her tonsil surgery! She is up to a whooping 38.2 pounds! She is still so very tall for her age - in the 90th percentile! Everything else checked out right on schedule. We also found out today that she has Miss Linda for preschool this fall (yeah!). Carlie had Miss Linda when she attended Pre K and now Lucy will have her too. Funny...I was very unsure of Miss Linda when Carlie first enrolled in the class, but she did an excellent job of preparing Carlie for Kindergarten. I am excited to see what this school year has in store for both of my children....I know, I know....enjoy this while I can, they grow up fast.

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