Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recent Happenings

Time goes by so fast. Add a couple of kids, work, school and sport schedules...and I am falling behind on my blogging!

* Carlie recently lost her 7th tooth. She was eating her lunch at school, and suddenly realized that she had a hole! We are under the assumption that she swallowed it. She wrote a beautiful note to the tooth fairy, and then laid the note in her Bible turned to John 3:16. She explained, "Maybe the tooth fairy doesn't know about God..we should tell her!" Ahhh...the child like faith I admire.

* Carlie and Lucy have started their TBall/Instructional softball practices. Carlie is now at coach pitch level, and they are a bit more advanced with their practices, including batting cages. This is Lucy's first year, and she is at the Tball level. After practice last night, she told Jeff "she loves baseball..." not just like, but "LOVES it." It is also very clear that Jeff has been working with her, because she is pretty darn good at it too!

* We have less than 35 days left until the end of school. It is hard for me to believe that summer is so close. Both girls have enjoyed their school years so much, and it is hard to believe that next year I will have a 2nd grader and a Kindergartener. Wow. Where did those years disappear too?

* A recent change in Carlie is the comfort her her clothes. Remember when Carlie REFUSED to wear pants, and DEMANDED to wear skirts for so many years? Now she wants nothing more but to wear sweats every day. Sweats!! We have compromised to sweats every other day, with capri's in between. I chuckle. I wonder what our next clothes battle will be? Cropped shirts? Daisy dukes? I shutter to think.


butchers said...

Summer is going to be here before we know it!! And oh how I dread the clothing battles that come along with having girls!!

Lacey said...

That is so funny...aunt Lacey has really dropped the ball with miss carlie and her girlie attire. Am I weird for actually looking forward to seeing little Millie standing there with her hand on her hip waving her finger at me saying...and I am only going to wear a dress today! (I will be secretly thinking...oh thank goodness ME TOO!!!)