Sunday, July 27, 2008

Allen County 4H Fair

Today we visited the Allen County 4H Fair and I realized that my two girls are C-I-T-Y girls. We couldn't go to all the exhibits because Carlie was complaining that her "feet were getting dirty" and Lucy kept holding her nose and saying "stinky mommy, let's go get ice cream." The only picture with animals we got was Lucy with her Wilbur pig. The girl loves pigs, but only if they are stuffed and non-smelly. Ha. They never would have made it on the farm.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

First (Annual?) Ringger Sleepover

After our great adventure in Florida, we decided that we just haven't spent enough time together. So the entire Ringger clan (minus Jeff and Jerome, who I know was sad to miss the action) traveled to the new Ringger House and spent the day, evening and night, and the entire next day. We had so much fun swimming in the pond, making smores, watching fireworks, making pudgy pies and of course, playing games. As you can see from the pictures, when in the country, you make do with what you have. Such as the make shift slide, for example. The hit of the weekend! Carlie always enjoyed girlie time with her Aunt's and bossing her cousins around. Fun, fun, fun. I also found that my brother has a new skill I was unaware of. He can impersonate characters and quote almost any movie imaginable. It's not only amazing, its simply hilarious. I consider myself lucky to have a such a great family...who all loves each other as much as we do.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Am I Old?

The last few nights I have been reading a really good book titled "Dawn's Light" and I have stayed up until almost 11:00p two nights in a row. This morning I had a headache and was so tired. Okay, am I old?? I remember rolling into the house at 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. and getting up for work at 7:00a, only to do it all over again. Ouch. Simply the thought of that hurts my head. I think I'll take my Tylenol and drink my Diet Coke now.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Back To School Shopping

On top you have what Carlie would like to wear to school....everyday. Me, the simple black and white dress (right) is more my style. Yes, the fight about clothes has started. We went back to school shopping last night and we decided we need Grandma Ringger or Aunt Lacey with us to help with the bling, bling. Momma doesn't have any bling, bling senses. Tell me again how I ended up with "girlie girl's"? Oh that's right, God DOES have a sense of humor.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Bento Box?

Just when I think I have heard of every "dieting" trick there is....Bento Box? It is a "fun way to pack your lunch" and the containers (color coded, mind you) help you with portion size of healthy and unhealthy food. How cool is that? And they come with a worksheet so you can "plan" your lunches for the week. I love the organization of this. Sad when charts and organization gets me excited. Now I am in a google search of where to buy these Japanese lunchboxes.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Three of the Twelve

Jeff and I have joined with three other couples to create a House Church. A way to connect through bible studies, community service and fellowship. Four couples (including us) come with a total of TWELVE children. As you can see, while we are engrossed in our bible study, trouble can happen among the kids. Gabi (right) found Carlie's red marker...and thought it was lipstick. Big sister Shoey (a/k/a Samantha) didn't feel the need to stop her, but Lucy did feel the need to tell mommy.....good thing its washable marker!

Next Michelle Wie?

I took Carlie golfing for the first time, and she's a natural! A fellow co-worker who was playing with us commented, "If she gets par, I am never playing with you again." She drove the cart, hit at least 3 balls into the water (for fun, mind you), and drove the ball farther than me on at least one hole. I smell golf scholarship in the near future my friends. Can't wait for the day she beats her Daddy!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

The First Entry

We've decided that as the girls get older, our life gets busier. Not busy bad, but just busy swim lessons, zoo camp, play dates, etc. We hope to use this website to keep all of our friends and family updated on The Four of Us as our life unfolds each day.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Zoo Camp

Carlie completed her second year at Zoo Camp today. We also learned that her good friend Alyssa (left) is moving to Tennesse in the fall. Carlie took the new information quite hard, so it was a teary ending to to Zoo Camp. And then there were two. Last year, four of Carlie's friends attended Zoo Camp, this year three, next Annie Rose (right) and Carlie will be the only two remaining.