Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First Day of School

Today is the first day of school. Today marks a new "milestone" in my parenting career. Today is the day that during my modest one day a week off, I do not have any children at home for six and a half hours. *sigh* I have mixed feeling about this. On one hand I am sad that my babies are growing so quickly, but on the other hand I am bursting with pride for those two little blessings. Drop off went uneventfully and at one point, Jeff had to demand a hug from Lucy. She was so happy sitting in her seat and meeting her friends. Carlie leaped right into her seat, only to find out her BFF had the flu and was missing the first day of school. If that is the low point of her day, we are so set! Below are pictures....tears form when I look at these pictures. Not necessarily tears of sadness, but tears of happiness and pride.

Lucy First Day of Preschool 2008

Lucy First Day of Pre K 2009

Lucy first day of Kindergarten 2010

Carlie first day of Preschool 2005

Carlie first day of Kindergarten 2008

Carlie 1st Grade 2009

Carlie 2nd Grade 2010

I did NOT make them do this...their idea! I promise!!

On a side note...Jeff took off the day to spend with me. I think he knew it would be a hard day for me. We enjoyed a leisurely breakfast, played 9 holes of golf and then had lunch at BW's. I told him I think he should start taking Wednesday's off too...we could just hang out together, with no kids!!

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Before Picture

Carlie lost tooth no. 8 tonight. Lost is a loose term. I had to hold her down and twist it out of her mouth. Sounds horrible doesn't it? We have been told by Carlie's dentist that her mouth isn't big enough for her adult teeth. Clearly obvious, as they are growing in far behind her regular teeth. We meet with the dentist in January for impressions and braces in March. I call this picture Carlie's "before" picture. One day soon, and many dollars later, I will look back to this picture and smile. Carlie has that type of smile. She smiles with not only her mouth, but her entire face. Her happiness and love of life exudes from her. I love that little girl!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

State Fair 2010

This week we visited the Adams Hotel a/k/a my sister's house in Indy. We started the weekend the Adams' boat with lots of food and fun. Although with four children under the age of 7, we have learned that fun can be found in increments of no more than 4 hours, especially when heat is involved.

We headed out for our second year to the Indiana State Fair. The year of the Pig! Lucy (our little swine lover) was so excited to see pigs at every turn we made. We were so excited to eat fair food, but it was so hot...the hit of the day was the Dairy Barn and the yummy milkshakes. Three servings of dairy a day right? So with milkshakes being our first, our second was fried cheese! Yum...now if that doesn't give you an upset stomach, I am not sure if anything will. We saw all types food...even chocolate covered bacon!! Jeff would have loved this!!

This year we were able to sign up for the DNR catch and release. I think this was the highlight for the boys. And actually Carlie and Lucy caught several as well! Although Lucy refused to touch anything that came from the water. Yes, I have little girly girls.

We very much enjoyed this last hurrah before school starts next week. Late nights and lots of giggles with cousins, and time spent with my sister. As we joked, we will continue this tradition for many, many more years. Or at least until our kids refuse to go the Fair with their mommies.

The Cousins "Pre-Fair"....see the happy smiles?

Lucy petting her first pig of the day...see the hesitation, this pig was big!

We love the Dairy Barn!!!

Again, Lucy posing with yet ANOTHER pig.

One of the catch and release fishes...notice no touching is going on here thanks to the nice DNR man.

I had to take a picture of this pose...I believe somewhere in this world there is a picture of me this same age, doing the exact same thing...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Pierced Ears for My Baby

Lucy has been asking and asking to get her ears pierced. Carlie too, but not nearly with the earnest that Lucy has been asking. I finally said, "Okay, let's go this week and get them done" thinking that she may rethink her decision. Nope. She said, "when this week?" So today we traveled to the mall to get my baby girl's ears pierced. Daddy wasn't 100% on board, but at the end of the decision, he wasn't objecting. I think I saw a tear or two in Jeff's eyes when he met us for lunch after it was done. I know it is just earrings, but it really does make her seem SO MUCH older. Carlie was on the fence on whether or not to get her done. After watching Lucy...she decided she wasn't ready yet. We purchased some cute earrings for her to wear after the six weeks of the starters. So cute. She is so proud of those earrings, every mirror she walks by, she looks at herself. Funny, I remember doing the same thing. Maybe somebody Carlie will decide she wants too...maybe not. I told her that it is her decision and that mommy doesn't care either way. Its funny when you put decisions like those in their hands. I think it gives you glimpes the young adult they are becoming.

A little nervous...as she explained to me..."I have butterflies in my stomach mommy!"

A few tears afterwards....

Tears turned into smiles after she got to see her new bling bling in the mirror...

And pick out new earrings...

The "starter" earrings have come a long way...aren't these little flowers cute??