Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Recent Happenings

Time goes by so fast. Add a couple of kids, work, school and sport schedules...and I am falling behind on my blogging!

* Carlie recently lost her 7th tooth. She was eating her lunch at school, and suddenly realized that she had a hole! We are under the assumption that she swallowed it. She wrote a beautiful note to the tooth fairy, and then laid the note in her Bible turned to John 3:16. She explained, "Maybe the tooth fairy doesn't know about God..we should tell her!" Ahhh...the child like faith I admire.

* Carlie and Lucy have started their TBall/Instructional softball practices. Carlie is now at coach pitch level, and they are a bit more advanced with their practices, including batting cages. This is Lucy's first year, and she is at the Tball level. After practice last night, she told Jeff "she loves baseball..." not just like, but "LOVES it." It is also very clear that Jeff has been working with her, because she is pretty darn good at it too!

* We have less than 35 days left until the end of school. It is hard for me to believe that summer is so close. Both girls have enjoyed their school years so much, and it is hard to believe that next year I will have a 2nd grader and a Kindergartener. Wow. Where did those years disappear too?

* A recent change in Carlie is the comfort her her clothes. Remember when Carlie REFUSED to wear pants, and DEMANDED to wear skirts for so many years? Now she wants nothing more but to wear sweats every day. Sweats!! We have compromised to sweats every other day, with capri's in between. I chuckle. I wonder what our next clothes battle will be? Cropped shirts? Daisy dukes? I shutter to think.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

TinCaps Game

Well finally we got to visit the TinCaps Suite!! Last year the tickets were in such a high demand, that we never got to visit the most coveted suite. This year, we did! Although the TinCaps lost (we must have jinxed them), we ate lots of food, and laughed even more. The girls actually sat and watched a portion of the game, which was nice! Johnny the mascot visited our suite, and you will note that Lucy was no where to be found for this picture. Her fear of mascots has NOT subsided as of yet. Oh well, maybe next year. We shared the suite with our good friend, Beth, who recently lost her husband. And for some reason (without prompting), Lucy stuck to her like glue last night. I think children sometimes can sense sadness, or perhaps that an adult needs some extra loving. Lucy provided just that, and I think Beth was grateful. I believe God uses children to provide the physical touch he cannot give us at times. This past week, I have reconnected with many past friends, and loved it. With life being so busy, I don't think you realize how much you miss people until you spend time with them again. Note to self: make friends a priority in 2010.

Adams Hotel

We spent a few days of our Spring Break visiting the Adams' hotel. Although we didn't do much, it was so fun to spend time with our cousins! Thank you Lacey, Jerome, Caden, Eli and Millie for letting us stay at your place and taking us fun places!! We can't wait to visit again :)

Meet Elisa

While Carlie was playing social butterfly on Friday (birthday party, sleepover), we let Lucy have a play date as well. Elisa Jane came over on Friday and she was an absolute doll. The girls played so well together! I was sorry to see her go when it was time! Unfortunately, Elisa will not be going to CLS next year, so this friendship may be limited to one year -- the first of many for our Lucy!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter Morning

Happy Easter! If you would have told me 7 1/2 years ago that I would love buying twirly, girly dresses...I would have laughed. But guess what? Two little girls have changed me. I get so excited to buy their dresses each year, and to see them parade into church each morning, I am one proud mama. And I can tell by the rooster chest Jeff parades, that he too is proud of our two beautiful blessings. I am glad I am given the opportunity to teach them this holiday is more than just Easter baskets and candy. Altough that is high on their priority list right now in their life, Carlie told me this morning, "Mom, I try to focus on the real reasons for the season." When I inquired, she told me...you know...like Christ rising from the dead, and the birth of Jesus at Christmas." Proud? You can say that.