Sunday, May 31, 2009

TinCaps with Central Friends

Today we took the girls to their first FW TinCaps baseball game. If they read so many books during the school year, they earned a free ticket. It was like a Central get together! We ended up taking one of Carlie's good friends, Samantha, because we had an extra ticket. The girls were so good, and Carlie actually paid attention to some of the game (I was very impressed with this!) I can't believe this is the last day of May already, and Carlie's last week of school. In one week my baby won't even be a Kindergartner any longer. Feeling a little sad about that. Although I am loving this phase of parenthood WAY MORE than the baby phase (sorry Mom & Lacey..!). I just can't help to get small glimpses of what lies ahead with my girls. Just listening to Carlie and Samantha talk during the game, they are like little people...with their own thoughts...and own ideas. I don't know why sometimes that just takes my breath away.
By the way, Lucy didn't enjoy the game near as much....BUT she did enjoy "breaking it down" during the pitcher changes. See Example A below....

Monday, May 25, 2009

Thank You Veterans!

Memorial Day is a holiday that is hard for kids to understand. Sure, they understand we get the day off of work and off of school, and they know that we have many parties and festivities to attend, but even Carlie has a hard time understanding what exactly Memorial Day means. Today we took the girls too the Memorial Day parade in Fort Wayne. Not your typical parade, but a parade of heroes, men and woman who have sacrificed so very much for our freedom that we easily take for granted every day. People who serve and protect us so we can pray freely and worship any God we please. Men and women who have sacrificed precious family time, hours, day and years of their lives, and sometimes even their lives. Every time Jeff or I tried to explain to Carlie exactly how much it meant to us, we'd tear up and get our "sad voices" (as Carlie puts it.) It truly is a blessing to live in America, we take so very much for granted.

After our Memorial Day parade, we had a picnic in a local park and then went golfing at Lakeside. The park when attended did not have an open bathroom, so Lucy got to "pee behind a tree" - which she enjoyed entirely too much. She was so proud of herself, that she continually asked Carlie "if she wanted to go see her wetness?" I am raising such city girls!
This was Lucy's first time golfing on a big course, and she made it about 3 or 4 holes before she got too tired and just wanted to ride in the cart. Carlie, on the other hand, loved golfing and was mad when we didn't keep her score on holes, and demanded we do so. She very much understood golf etiquette and can't wait to go again. You should have seen Daddy light up with that comment. He'd love to have something like that to do with his girls. He deserves it after the countless dance classes, gymnastics classes and ballet classes he has sat through. We got to sit in the clubhouse afterwards and enjoy a Sprite and some chips. They thought they were pretty big stuff.
Whew .... having three days off is tiring!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Play Ball!

Carlie is the only one with a purple helmet - so easy to find!

Who me?

Straight from the dancing shoes to the softball cleats. Tonight Carlie had her first T-Ball game and the girls did great! A couple of cartwheels in the outfield, one runner stopping and picking up the ball in between bases, but for the most part, it was absolutely too cute. Carlie has some very nice girls on her team, and I think this will be a fun season. Phew - we just can't slow down, can we?

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Dance Recital

Some of the joys of having two little girls is dance class. All winter long, week after week, we sit through weekly dance classes and tonight was the big night. Multiple wardrobe changes and over 50 different dances....(obviously, not all done by my girls) - but they did great. Extra Kudos's to Shelly who for the second year in a row was my make up artist. Every year I wonder if the money is worth it, but to see their smiles and hear their giggles, it is totally worth it.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Home, Freezing, Home

The faces say it all. We're back in Indiana and we're not happy about it. Although our return travel was nearly perfect, the weather was not. I think in the short time we were in Florida our skin became very thin. Both girls wanted to put on their footie pj's for bed tonight. Come on girls, its not THAT COLD (as I am sitting here in my flannel pants, long sleeve t-shirt, fleece hoodie and socks). Back to reality. Back to loads of laundry, 6:30a alarms, Tball practices and homework. We are so very blessed to have such wonderful families and opportunities to travel like this. God has truly been good to us!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Dolphin Cruise = Tropical Storm

Cute smile, but notice the dark skies?

Love the crazy hair!

Mama and her girls...again!

Today we ventured onto Sanibel Island for a Dolphin Cruise. Did we see any dolphins? Nope. Well, I take that back. We saw two dolphins at the end of an 1 1/2 hour cruise, while the rain was pelting our face. It started out very sunny and nice, but it quickly turned ugly. I really don't like being out on a "cruise ship" when the sky is dark and lightening, and neither did my girls. I honestly think part of the time it was raining sideways. We were so wet and cold - ugh! Not to mention we were 1 1/2 hours from our condo...seriously, what was I thinking? We had grandeur ideas of eating on the beach afterwards, a little more shopping....but that was all put aside due to a tropical storm. We are praying for nice weather tomorrow, and it is our nice day - sniff - sniff. Vacations go so fast!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wednesday = Beach Day

This is a live parrot!! Lucy was too scared to try...

Carlie found a starfish on the beach - this was her prize find of the day!

Mama and her girls :)

Today we headed into Fort Myers Beach for the afternoon. We found shells, built sand castles and got sand in places that you really shouldn't have sand. The day was wonderful until it got really, really windy. Beach umbrellas were flying around and sand was always flying in your face. So we decided it was time for a late lunch and some souvenir shopping. Carlie found herself another "little glass" a/k/a shot glass and Lucy found a snow globe. We ate on the beach at a little outside restaurant called Wahoo Willie's. Some of the patrons were locals, once of which had a parrot. After much convincing, Carlie allowed the parrot to stand on her shoulder. The expression on her face is priceless. I tried all afternoon to convince Carlie to get a hair wrap, and finally after convincing her we find out that the hair wrapper person wasn't in this afternoon - grrrr! She would have looked so cute! After eating ice cream on the boardwalk, it started to sprinkle as we were heading back to the van. By the time we got close to home the skies opened up and it rained, and rained, and rained, and it is still raining. But the rain and the cooler temperatures is a welcome change to the hot sun we've been having. It has been 95 degrees or hotter every day. Even with the pool, it is hot, hot, hot. I can tell our week is half way over, as all of our food is half way hoo....I have been hearing the weather at home not very nice. That makes me REALLY want to stay here longer!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Monday = Funday

The first full day of vacation. The day that you can stop the running, and enjoy the sitting. The girls and I all slept in until 8:30a this morning...which is quite late for us. Daddy was able to sneak out early to play golf without waking anybody. Unfortunately, because of our late start we didn't get out in time for the Shuffleboard tournament, so Grandma and Carlie had their own. Carlie is quite competitive and was very frustrated until she started winning. After a morning of swimming and ice cream sundae's after lunch, the girls and daddy took a late nap so we could do some night swimming, which is always fun. It's now 9:14 p.m. and they are finishing up their last game of Old Maid with Grandma. I am crossing my fingers and toes for another late sleep in tomorrow!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Day One - Florida!!

Well, we arrived at Fort Myers, Florida yesterday and we have hardly stopped. We are enjoying a much needed vacation with Toad & Barb. Today Carlie was up early and ready to hit the pool by 7:00a. Ouch. A little early for mommy. Thankfully by 9:00a, Grandma was ready to take her, as our little Lucy was still sound asleep! I think a late night with her cousins on Friday and the whole traveling day wore her out! We spent all day by the pool, played "Pool Golf" - which by the way - Carlie won! Had smoothies by the pool and played Wii bowling in the rec center. By the way - Carlie won that too. Actually, she had to teach more of the participants even how to play :) She was a wonderful sport, and they all thought she was quite the talented Wii player. Tomorrow we have a Shuffleboard Tournament and Boccie Ball and pool side Ice Cream Sundae's at 1:30p. Ahh...the rough life. We did enjoy a nice Mother's Day steak, salad and homemade fettuccine Alfredo for dinner. This is definitely the rough life - NOT. We are so very blessed to be able to come down here!!

The Many Faces of Lucy's Birthday

What a cute crew!! Must be the Ringger blood...!

Well Lucy had quite the birthday this year - or should I say - birthweekend. We started the celebration at Lacey & Jerome's with presents and the cutest cake. Then we moved onto Florida were Grandma spoiled her with more presents and a Tinkerbell cake. She loved turning four! Still having a hard time believing she is four years old. So sweet, so much of a stinker - all in one cute blond package. And all mine :)

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Summer Shopping

One more week until vacation. What does every American female do before vacation - that's right shop! Today we headed to the mall to stock up on our summer clothes. After pulling some clothes out of storage, I realized very quickly, that Carlie has grown (quite a bit!) since last summer. She was in desperate need of some summer clothes - and guess what? No fighting! I even let her pick her "bling, bling" clothes out....even two pairs of flip flops! We had so much fun shopping today. Kohl's, Old Navy, Children's Place, Gap, H&M, Disney - we hit them all. Carlie has graduated from the "kid" section and is now in the "big kid" section of stores -- *sigh* -- when did that happen??? Sometimes I catch myself folding her clothes, only to tear up a bit, because I can't believe just how big she is getting. It inevitable, but it doesn't make it any easier for a mommy.