Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

Where to start? Our weekend -- which was originally had NOTHING planned -- turned into fun, fun and even more fun!

On Saturday, we kicked off the Memorial Day Weekend with the Ringger clan...almost all of us! We've turned into quite the big crew! But as the babies keep coming, it just keeps us busier and adds more smiles to our faces. We swam, ate, sat in the sun, ate, rode the golf cart, ate, played bean bags, ate, laughed, and did I mention we ate? Never lack of food with our family. We also decided we are not sure we will ever get a good picture of ALL the grand kids. Or for that that won't be outdated in six months. We left tired, sunburned and covered with bug bites. I think bug spray expires. Just saying. At last count, Carlie had 17 mosquito bites - and I sprayed her!!

Sunday was recovery day. The girls in the house needed sleep. Poor Daddy had duties at we were just wiping the sleepies from our eyes when he was heading to church. Everybody slept in until 8:45a! Even our early riser, Carlie!! Slow start to the morning, but steam was added as the day progressed. I got the front porch scrapped and repainted, Jeff got the upstairs porch patched and tarred, the girls painted a fence for their fairy garden. To finish the day, we went swimming (again!) at our neighbor's pool. Carlie has grown just enough over the winter to be able to touch this summer. I just can't stop that girl from growing. While we were swimming in the sunshine, Jeff was preparing our feast. Steaks, corn on the cob (thanks Grandpa Ringger!), and homemade foccasia bread. Early bedtimes, and snuggle time for mommy and daddy on the couch. Ahhh....weekend isn't finished yet!

On Monday, we continued our tradition of attending the Memorial Day Parade to salute and thank our veterans and service workers. This year we got to sit beside two good friends of Jeff's parents, Wayne and Patty. Wayne recently struggled with cancer, and had cardiac arrest, and too boot, is a Korean War Veteran. We laughed and laughed and enjoyed the parade even more this year than ever. Patty ooh'd and aah'd over the girls, and we just simply enjoyed the day with good people. We picnic'd at Johnny Appleseed's Grave and then headed to the pool ... again! Unfortunately, our pool time this day was cut short by storms and rain. Which ended up being a blessing. God so graciously watered our flowers after days of humid heat. The girls got early baths, comfy clothes, and Jeff and I even got to sneak in a nap. It is weekends like these that I am not just thankful for my family and friends....I am on my knees, praising the good Lord for what I have so undeservedly received. Can I get an Amen?

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Dance Recital 2010

Another year of dance complete. Starting in about September each year, we travel to the Dyson Dance Studio twice a week for dance class. Both Carlie and Lucy learn two different dances (one tap, one jazz). This was Lucy's second year, and she informed us, that it will be her last. She doesn't enjoy dance, and quite frankly, I am not going to force that one. Carlie, on the other hand, very much enjoys dance. This was her third year, and she told me she would someday like to be on the Competition Team. Aye, Aye, Aye. The thought of sitting through hours of dance competition doesn't exactly warm my heart. Yet, if it is something she wants to do, Jeff and I will surely support her. I do enjoy dressing them up for the recital. Their makeup artist (my best friend Shelly) makes them look so good...and so old. You just don't realize how much makeup can age your child. The proof is in the picture.


Softball is will stay for awhile! This is Lucy's first year of T-ball. How quickly you forget just how "painful" the first year of T-ball can be. 4 and 5 year old's, who have the attention span of....well....4 and 5 year olds! I must admit, Lucy is quite the natural when it comes to hitting and fielding the ball. Perhaps she got the Gongaware softball genes after all. Or even more likely, she has a daddy who works with her. Either way, I think many more days of softball will be ahead of us!

Carlie, on the other hand, has moved up to the Instructional League. Coach Pitch, three outs, more than one base can be taken. And I tell you what...I like it! It is fast paced and just since the beginning of practice, they have progressed very well. Sure, there is large room for improvement, but this is entertaining to watch. Carlie has taken the position of catcher, and shares it with her good friend Shoey (a/k/a Samantha). It is a hard job, and not just because of the position, but because of all the gear they have to wear. And it is hot! Their coach this year is pretty serious. I feel conflicted with this, after all - they are only 6 and 7 year olds. But yet, if you want kids to grow into better ball players, you can't just let them laugh off their errors. Mom vs. Coach. Tough call.

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Saturday, May 22, 2010

TinCap Rainout!

Carlie's school had a reading program over the winter, and we got the opportunity to attend a TinCaps game to celebrate their success. Had the weather cooperated, it would have been such a fun night! But instead, we were hit with rain delay, after rain delay. Clearly disappointed, it was supposed to be a fireworks night!! We had fun exploring the inside of the stadium in any event. As the girls get older, and our outings become more "grown up" - I love and crave the little time I get to spend with them. Soon (very soon) will be a time when Jeff and I are left behind and the girls will be busy "running around with their friends." Giggling, flirting and being a little older than they are today. I love their personalities right now, and I can't wait to see them grow into the beautiful women I know they will be.

For I Know The Plans

As I sit here tonight, enjoying the sunshine, I can count my blessings in so many ways. Stella made it through her surgery with shining colors. Each update I receive is encouraging and she is showing what a fiesty little girl can do. As I heard somebody mention, God has big plans for her. Don't you often ponder what God's plans are for our children? I can see Stella warming hearts by being a teacher like her mommy, or I can see her being a doctor and helping children her have heart defects like hers, or possibly a chemist to help prevent children from ever having to be sick. The options are endless. Yes, I do believe God has big plans for Stella. "For I know the plans I have for you ... plans to give you a hope and a future, Jeremiah 29:11"

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Queen Stella

This week is going to be tough. This week is going to test the faith of some of the people that is closest to me. My family. Our beautiful red haired, blue eyed Queen Stella will be traveling down to Riley Hospital this week to undergo open heart surgery. Open heart surgery sounds so scary. Add the factor that Stella is only 14 months old. It becomes even scarier. I trust. I trust God to give Ginger and Brian not only the physical strength during this stressful time, but also emotional strength. I pray that they have the ability to hold their daughter out to God with open hands. To understand that He give us these blessings called children, and He has plans for them, that are unknown to us. Not only unknown to us, but it is something that is completely out of our control. This is the part I struggle with most. I pray that they praise God during this storm.

We had the wonderful opportunity to watch Stella yesterday. As you can see, her laugh is contagious, and she adds light to anybody she is around. I look forward to laughing with her so much in the future, to many more chalk drawings, many more messes and having her grow up to be the beautiful young lady God so intends.

We love you Stella Dee, and angels WILL BE with you this week for don't get scared if you see them :)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Birthday Treats

Tomorrow is Lucy's day to bring in her birthday treats! So today we broke out the chocolate and made chocolate covered strawberries and pretzel rods. And no chocolate would be complete without LOTS AND LOTS of sprinkles. Let's just say I will be sweeping up sprinkles in my kitchen for weeks to come. It was a blessing to be home with her on this rainy day and simply enjoy being a mom. But when I tried to convince her to take a nap with me, she wasn't having it. Although she finally did agree to lay down on the couch while she watched cartoons. I remember as a baby her sleeping on my chest many times for naps. Not any more. My baby...well...isn't a baby any more.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Happy Mother's Day To Me!

To surprise our mother today, my sister's and I decided a Spa Day was in order. And you can't spa without eating of course! We had the Woodhouse Spa experience, complete with the organic sugar scrub and volcanic hot rock massage. I didn't want to leave! With all of our toes looking good, we ventured to Biaggi's for some bread and pasta. No Mother's Day can be complete without carbs! A great kick off to Mother's Day, I must admit. Happy Mother's Day!