Wednesday, December 31, 2008

One Step Closer....At The Price of My Hands/Back/Knees

Well, 90% of the glued down adhesive is up. After trying scraping, trying a sander, I decided to try something I read online....boiling water and putting it on doubled towels for 6 minutes (see the steaming towel in the last picture). Really, I am not kidding. I thought...what the heck? It's free and if it doesn't work, I am on my way to Menards looking for SOMETHING to get this stuff up. It worked like a charm! After removing the towel, the adhesive was bubbly and scraped up with no effort whatsoever. I even had Lucy and Carlie scrapping. Never mind that our house was like a sauna with continual pots of water bowling and steaming towels, it worked, it worked! There are still more several spots we need to go over...but what I thought would take us until midnight on Sunday, took me 5 hours today. My hands have blisters - both from scraping and the boiling water - my back is killing me...and my knees are surely bruised...but hey, we saved money. The silly thing is...I think the redish floor underneath is kind of funny!

Oh My - What Did I Get Us Into?

Monday we are having a new floor installed ... and in spirit of saving LOTS of money (not time mind you..) we are tearing up the old floor ourselves. Each night after the kids go to bed Jeff and I tear up and scape another section of this most glorious floor. TWO layers of carpet (don't you love the wood floor pattern carpet? - what is that 60's? 70's?), and an old glued down padding that just refuses to come up. Wonderful. This is how we will be spending New Years Eve, New Years Day...and quite possibly the entire weekend. I love my old house, I love my old house, I love my old house....really I do!

The Many Smiles of Christmas

From Webkinz, to My Little Pony's, to new PJ's, to board games, too -- oh my -- let's just admit, we are so spoiled!!! Christmas is such a fun time of the year, but I know my girl's "breed greed" during this time of the year. As hard as we try to complete service projects, give to the needy, and make the season about Christ....for a 6 and 3 year old, it really just comes down to the big guy in the red, and what he brings.

Three Little Bakers

Over Christmas break, Jeff taught the girls how to make bread from scratch. (The man has his mother's patience.) They worked and worked, kneaded and kneaded, waited and waited and then finally after an all day process we ate wonderful bread for dinner that night. The girl's were so proud of their bread! What a skill to learn...what a good daddy....

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Over All Ready?

After a couple month's of preparation, Christmas Day is over. Boo hoo. The girl's enjoyed the day so much, and it is so fun to see how they are becoming their own little persons. The hit present of the day for Carlie was her digital camera, and for Lucy it was a toss between the Dora Pegasus or the Diamond Castle Barbie (which by the way...both should come with volume control...) We enjoyed opening our presents and eating our birthday cake in the morning, we all took long wonderful naps in the afternoon, and we hosted the Gongaware's in the evening. We had so much food left over (surprise, surprise), but everybody walked away with armloads of goodies. We still get to celebrate Christmas with the Ringger's on Saturday, so the fun isn't done yet! As Jeff and I sat and reflected tonight, we couldn't be more thankful for our families, our health and how God has blessed us so undeservedly - and I hope we never forget who are blessing are truly from.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

We're Ready Santa!

Birthday cake is made, cookies are out, lists are made, reindeer food is sprinkled outside...we are ready Santa!!! Tonight Carlie had her Christmas program, and we celebrated Christmas Eve with the Gongaware extended family. We got home much later than anticipated ... the girls are just now snuggled into their beds, and its almost 11:00p!! Sleep in tomorrow? Ha!! We can't wait to celebrate Jesus' birthday tomorrow!! Merry Christmas to all!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Ice + Old Trees = Trouble

Ice plus our old trees, equals a lot of work. All of these HUGE branches and tree limbs, and our house remained untouched. God definitely had his angels wrap their big wings around it today - I can think of no other possible reason why our house didn't have damage today, or that not even one of our power lines was taken down. Jeff is at the store(s) right now in search of a chainsaw. I have a feeling they are the hot item today. Grandpa Ringger has graciously volunteered to help clean up tomorrow. We are going to owe him a steak dinner for this one. Thanks for everybody who prayed for our worked!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Carlie's "Project"

Last night I received a call from Carlie's teacher, Miss James. Miss James asked if I would "please bring my digital camera to school tomorrow." When I inquired "why?", she informed me that Carlie has made a project with one of the toys the children share, but won't let anybody take it apart until she can get a "digital picture for her blog." Oh my...what have I created? Miss James told me that Carlie went as far as to hide this under Miss James' desk from the other children. This cracked Miss James up. Carlie calls this project, "Rainbow Pizza." How appropriate!

Lucy's Christmas Program... How Cute!!

Today's was Lucy's first Christmas program, and not only did she look beautiful (Ginger, does the dress look familiar?), she did so good! I was so proud!!! The little girl in the picture with Lucy is her BFF Delaney....also featured in the dance class video. We have been praying for Lucy's teacher, as she found out recently she has breast cancer. But she has been receiving good news and only has a short bout with chemo & radiation (any bout is too long..) Miss Jeanie visited their class on Tuesday and Lucy informed me that Miss Jeanie "was no longer sick, because she didn't make any noises from her mouth or anything." After I thought about this a bit, I said, "you mean Miss Jeanie didn't cough?" She replied, "Yes, mommy." I love their innocence. Enjoy - one week until Christmas - We Wish You A Merry Christmas!!!

Well...Lucy may not be our dancer...

We have completed the tap portion of Lucy's dance class. I think the novelty of going to dance class has worn off. Each Wednesday she asks if we can skip dance and "just stay home." They put on a "show" for the parents yesterday and I took a video. I need to remind myself that she is three...and quit pushing my children to these unrealistic measures. All that said, it is so fartin' cute, and don't you just love those lily white chicken legs?

Monday, December 15, 2008

The Nutcracker

This is the second year Carlie and I attended the Nutcracker Ballet. There is a group of six of us (three pictured) that have attended both years. We eat out...girls only...and then attend the Ballet. I must admit, I really like the ballet, and Carlie loves the costumes more than anything. I think I am going to give Lucy a couple more years. Even Carlie gets a little antsy at the end, I can't imagine Lucy. Carlie purchased Lucy a ballerina snow globe and she got a Nutcracker one. It is such a fun event, I think we might invite Aunt Lacey for some girlie time next year!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Living Next To The Griswalds

Okay...we got a new neighbor this summer. Mind you...we don't live in the most "up scale" neighborhood, but not necessarily the white trash section of New Haven either. Our new neighbor (name - in Wile E Coyote). This summer he entertained us with his Harley Davidson, Gargoyles on his roof, and Tiki Statues in his landscaping. Now...we are experiencing Christmas. It started out mild with some lights along the roof line, which I thought was very nice. And each night we come home...something has been added. It's like the 12 days of lights! 12 candy canes blinking, 11 wreaths a glowing, 10 deer a standing.....well, I could go on and on, but I'll let you watch the short video. The UP side to this is that the girls absolutely love it. I have half the mind of going over there and giving him a Christmas Card and telling him thank you for entertaining my girls. Because each night as we turn the corner we have to see ...what that crazy Wiley put up now. Unfortunately on the video you can't see the Christmas tree that rotates in his window...or the music accompanying the lights. Yes, my friends, he is giving Clark Griswald a run for his money.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Whew! Busy Weekend!!

I am having a hard time believing I have to go back to work tomorrow! Boo hoo! Jeff and I started the weekend by taking a "half-shopping-day" on Friday and getting the Christmas shopping for the girls done. I am having a hard time buying for them this year for some reason. Or perhaps I am struggling with the fact that my girls HAVE SO MUCH and I am know there are many people that have so little. I am feeling a little selfish. Saturday I went my way, and the girls had Daddy Daughter Extravaganza Day. I got together my my friends and made my "just-like-DeBrands-but-better" caramel apples, and Jeff took the girls to Storytime with Santa at Dupont Hospital. They got plates, got to sit on Santa's lap and even went secret Christmas shopping for mommy. Unfortunately, Lucy just couldn't keep a secret and told me what she got me. It made Carlie very frustrated. Saturday night we attended the Ringger Christmas, and I am just thankful for my HUGE family. I am not sure how many more years we have with Grandma and Grandpa, and it makes me sad to think about that...but on the other hand our family has experienced so many miracles this year, I am just enjoying this moment. Sunday we went to the mall to finish up more shopping, and then went to a basketball game at Spiece Fieldhouse. Something very different for my girls...and let me tell you...they don't give a cahoot about basketball. They were more into the princess ornaments that I just bought them, oh - and popcorn. Future in sports? I don't think so.

Except for running...see the clip below with one of games girl's did pretty good! Lacey's boys were HILARIOUS! Especially Eli throwing the balls back!