Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Baby Girl Has Asthma

Today we had Carlie's 6 year check up. She is still in the 85% for her height and weight. She is going to be very tall! I have been suspecting that Carlie has asthma for awhile. And lately, a couple people have mentioned to me that "Carlie had a hard time breathing" or "Carlie was wheezing a little bit." Well, that set me into Mama Bear mode, and I actively started researching child asthma, and when I took an online quiz for Carlie - she had 9 out of the 10 symptoms. So today during her check up I had them test Carlie for asthma, and sure enough - her lung capacity was only at 60%! So they are aggressively trying to get this back in check by a high(er) dose of Advair twice a day, and we have to go back in two weeks for a retest. Let's face it, she not only looks like Jeff, she has inherited all of his physical conditions as well - allergies, eczema and now asthma. But - she does have my personality ... good or bad? The good news is that there is the possibility she will grow out of it. Let's hope that is the she grew out of her strawberry and red food dye's possible!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Move Over CandyLand...Uno is in Town

How fast my girls loves can be changed. Carlie got Uno in her stocking for Christmas from Santa, and in my young mommy wisdom, I put back a couple of the games for a "rainy day." Well, yesterday we broke out Uno. We haven't quite got to the keeping score yet. It is a slow struggle for Lucy to know when she can lay and when she can pick up...and for either Carlie or Lucy to hold the cards - ha!! Their little hands just can't do it. We played 9 games yesterday and four games before bed tonight. No mention of Princess Frostine....oooohhhh yeaaahhhhh!
The best part is when Lucy is down to one card, she yells, "Muno!" Doesn't matter how many times we've corrected her - the game is Muno. Carlie and I crack up every time.

I'm On A Diet

The day I have long fought against has come. I SWORE that my girls would not have weight issues. That my girls wouldn't know about the scale. That my girls would focus on being healthy and knowing that it's what is on the inside that counts. WRONG. This weekend Carlie refused a cookie at House Church "because she was on a diet." what??? Never, ever, never have I mentioned to Carlie that she should be on a diet, but when I talked with her about this, she wanted to "be like mommy, and be skinny." I cried. I literally cried at what my actions has taught my daughter. I should know that she listens to every word I say. I should know she always wants to be just like mommy. And yes, I have been trying very diligently to remove the holiday pounds. I rejoined Weight Watchers. No, I am not starving myself - but I am struggling to watch what I eat. I really dislike this part about me - my weight obsession, and now it looks like I may be passing it down to my girls. Time to take back the control.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Candy Land Mania

Lucy has learned a new skill, and it's called games. More specifically, Candy Land. The child lives and breathes the game. And when she isn't actually playing the game, she is asking you to play the game with her. Yesterday, I played three games - before 8:00a!! One morning she woke up, while her eyes were adjusting to the light, her first words of the morning to me were, "Can we play Candy Land?" She has also mastered the fine skill of cheating. Somehow, when you step out of the room for a minute, Princess Frostine or Lolly ends up on the top of the stack...and guess who's turn it is? And when SHE picks Gingerbread Man or Gum Drop, she tries to argue that she "really doesn't want to go back..let's put this card back." Hmmm...I am getting a strong suspicion that this is how Grandpa Gongaware plays the game....but of course, that is just a guess.

I Love You Mommy

This morning after I woke up Carlie and gave her some "wake up" time, she motioned me into her room. I laid down beside her, and she put her little hands on my cheeks and said, "Mommy, I love you." That is why I am a parent. That is why I put myself second (or third, or fourth). That makes each and every sacrifice worth it. Those four little words made my morning, and will probably ring in my ears for the day. I wonder if as she gets older if those words will mean more or less to me? I wonder when I tell my mom, "Mom, I love you" if it makes her day too. But I bet it never, ever gets old hearing that - no matter the age of your child. So this one is for you mom - "Mommy, I love you!"

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Recovery is Rough

As most of you know, Jeff had surgery on Friday for his deviated septum, and to clean out his sinus cavity. Not a pretty surgery, nor a pretty recovery. The surgery lasted about 1 1/2 hours, and we were in the recovery room for about 2 hours. Luckily, we left without "packing" in the nose, and just bandages to catch any drainage. I thought that after two children, I had a pretty strong stomach. But a nurse, I am not. Two times since Jeff's surgery I have felt the blood rush from my head and the need to sit down immediately. The whole blood thing, it's just not for me. I am quite good at tracking his medication, making sure his water is fresh, with a clean straw, and making sure his has a little something in his stomach. BUT, not so good at the changing of the bandages, and when he has to conduct the "Sinus Rinse" (3x a day) - I must leave the room. No, medical care was not my calling. Keep praying for recovery for Jeff. He is doing much better than we anticipated at this point, but the Sinus Rinses are kicking his butt. Seriously -it's like squirting salt water into a wound. How can it NOT hurt? The doctor was very positive about Jeff's ultimate outcome after the swelling and healing takes it's course - so I am excited to see what the next few weeks hold! Thanks for all the prayers!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Bad Mommy

Today is my day off, and boy - what a good day to stay home!! I got Lucy down for an early nap, proud of myself because that way I didn't have to wake her too early to go and get Carlie from school. Work has been busy, so I spent a lot of the day working as well. Lucy slept a little over two hours, and I was in the process of slowly waking her, warming the van and shoveling the driveway. When I got to school, I was a bit concerned, as there were NO cars in the pick up line - had I missed an early dismissal alert? I know the weather was bad, but everybody I talked to said CLS didn't dismiss early due to weather. I started to panic a little, heart rate rising some. Mind you that Lucy has no shoes - still in her pajamas from nap. So I parked the van and went in...guess what - I forgot about early dismissal today! My angel was sitting in her coat on the office floor and they were talking about calling her [horrible] mom. I could have cried!! Carlie told me that she thought I forgot her...what kind of bad mom am I? She doesn't seem too harmed over the event, but I feel like such a bad, bad mommy. We laugh about it now...but you better believe...I won't forget again!

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Carlie is 6 (again)!

Today we celebrated Carlie's 6th birthday...for the third time. With her birthday falling shortly after Christmas (Dec 30), I tend to "over do" it so it is not lost in the shuffle of the holidays. Now this does not fair well for Jeff and I financially, but I hope some day Carlie remembers it. Next year we may opt for the "family" or "friends" birthday option. She is getting to that age. Hard to believe six years ago I was just home from the hospital with a 2 week old. I don't necessarily miss the baby phase, but I miss my babies being babies. Carlie wasn't necessarily an easy baby either. God makes mommies forget about the bad stuff..I know he does. Or else there would be no second, third or fourth children in families. God blessed us with Carlie, and there isn't a day that goes by I don't thank him for that special miracle. I think I'll go upstairs and kiss her goodnight...again.

Monday, January 5, 2009

The Girls

Can our girls be this big?? We had a small "college friends" reunion on Friday with Jenifer, Shelly, Brian and us -- with our families. Lots of girls! Poor Jake! The girls had a blast playing dress us, and proceeded to play the Wii most of the night in costume. Oh..the trouble we will be in some day very soon. Start praying now!

Taa Daaahhhh!

Whoever would have thought that pictures of a FLOOR would be so exciting???? Me, me, me!! They started & finished today! They did a great job...mind you I worked from home today and every hour or so, I went down "just to check." I made them re-do a couple of places, for the most part, I was VERY happy with their work. Noooowwwwww, I really need to repaint the walls. The green walls just don't compliment the new floor. Hee hee. And then I need to go shopping for new decorations and pictures, and then I need to get new towels for the half bath, and then....and then....and then.....

Thursday, January 1, 2009

We're Getting There!

Another day down. I am glad we aren't big drinkers (any more...) because doing this on a hangover would be horrendous! Today we moved the island, appliances and continued scraping, scraping, scraping. We decided to move the dishwasher too...I didn't realize how handy my husband has become. He has removed the toilet, dishwasher and vanity sink. I was very impressed! My what you learn when you own an old home. Pictures of the new floor to come!! Whooo hoooo - let me tell you - it better be GrEaT!!!!