If you grew up in the Ringger household and you had a loose tooth, you knew what was going to eventually happen, Dad would pull it. Whether you were ready for it, or not. Well, tonight Carlie got to experience what we all went through. Carlie's two bottom teeth have been sooooo loose that they nearly laid sideways in her mouth -- they were ready to come out. And tonight, Grandpa Ringger got his hand on one of them and
out it came! Carlie was very brave, and didn't even cry (I vividly remember crying with each tooth Dad pulled...I secretly was very impressed with her courage...). Although the amount of blood surprised not only Carlie, but me. I knew it would bleed, but I wasn't prepared for the amount of blood. Did I mention I am not good with blood? Anyway, the bleeding stopped very quickly and now my daughter has one less tooth. We wrote a note to the tooth fairy and she awaits for her cash to arrive. I know Carlie is growing up - I accept that fully, but to see her missing teeth, well...it pulls on my heart strings in a different way.
My BABY isn't really a BABY any more. Ouch, reality hurts a little sometimes :)