Sunday, August 10, 2008

New Additions To Our Family

Ha! Fooled everybody by that post title, huh? Attached are the newest members of our family. Pearl the horse is on the left, and Sparky the dog is on the right (Old family member Sparkle is in the middle). If case you haven't been blessed with the Webkinz world yet, this is your introduction. Welcome to caring for pets, without actually having pets. Although the Webkinz website has already taught Carlie patience through gardening, reasoning through Checkers (the little stinker beats me every time!), and the value of money through "working" to buy her pets clothes and food. Interesting concept, huh?

1 comment:

lindsay said...

I wanted you to know that I am now regularly reading your blog, so don't let me down.

Love the pictures--especially Lucy with Wilbur. I think she's saying..."excuse me, will someone get me the heck out of here!"