Sunday, September 21, 2008

CLS Back To School Picnic

Today was my (our) first PTL project - Central Lutheran School Back To School Picnic. Mind you that the picnic was 3-6p, but because crazy mommy was "co-in-charge" (a/k/a control freak), we were there at 1:00p to set up, and naturally my family came with me. Lucy immediately made friends with Sarah (pictured) and Sarah (although only 8 years old) watched and played with Lucy all day long. They played on the play ground, did many rounds for the cake walk, played play dough, side walk chalk and who knows what times, I forgot where Lucy was. When I asked, I was told - "with Sarah." We ate many hot dogs, played way to much and had an absolute fun time. I truly believe in being active in your child's school. I think when you are active and interested, your child will naturally follow. We met many new families and each day are thankful for the choice and sacrifices we are making for making this our school. I guess that's what happens when you follows God's direction. Praises to God!

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