Sunday, September 14, 2008

What Is Your Favorite Smell?

Roses? Fresh laundry? Apple pie still in the oven? Since becoming a mommy, my new favorite smell is my girls after they get out of the bath. I am not sure what Johnson & Johnson puts in their body wash, or No Tears shampoo, but it is addicting for mothers (well, this mother anyway). I love giving my girls a bath, getting them in their fresh pj's and snuggling up with them on the couch. Life just doesn't get much better than that. Even after their hair dries, and I am putting them to bed, I can't snuggle up close enough to take it all in. Sometimes you need to ignore "the big picture" and just take in the small details that make the life so great.

1 comment:

butchers said...

Cute picture, miss photographer :)