Saturday, September 27, 2008

House Church Name

Here is less than a half of our House Church. The other 12 are our combined children. Our legacies. Between the four of the couples, there are - yes - twelve children. It has been requested by the Church that we come up with a name for our House Church. Hmmm...really? A Name? The leading name at this point is the The Clay Pots. Not bad, but I think I'd prefer a Hebrew or Greek name. Perhaps one for service, or fellowship. Or how about Gilgal? I came across this in one of my Bible Studies, and Gilgal means circle. Gilgal was the place God brought the Israelites full circle and broke the old cycle. At Gilgal, God cut away the sign of the Israelites unbelief (after their experience in the wilderness), and they wore the mark of their new beginning. Often a wounding precedes our full reception of God's promises, but healing always follows. Interesting, wonder if the group would go for it? And if they don't, I don't mind being a member of The Clay Pots. In my opinion, the name is such a minor issue of what we are trying to accomplish, I don't want that to hang us up - and it won't.

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